Pears Watercolor by Victoria Morgan
This world is but a canvas to our imagination - Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Available for Pre-Order

A Winter's Day by Victoria Morgan

I am so excited!  FOR THE LOVE OF A SOLDIER is listed on the Berkley Publishing Group's website and Amazon -- available for pre-order.

And...(drum roll here)....I have a Publication Date:  March 5, 2013!

How's that for an early Christmas present?!  To see my book available on both sites was exhilarating, like arriving at the final destination after a long, roller coaster ride of a writer's journey. Of course, I had to pre-order a copy.  Hey, I couldn't resist...  It's so exciting, but a bit surreal. Like, is that really my name scrawled across the front cover of that published book??? Go figure.  I'm an author!

Happy Holidays!